With sticks in hand, ferrying across the ocean, the boys head next to Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia. Noted for being the birthplace of the late Anna Swan, famed Giantess of the Maritimes, Tatamagouche is a seemingly docile hamlet – a hamlet shrouded in a veil of height discrimination! The road hockey rivalry: Calum and his team of short people (5’7″ and…
Stranded in Newfoundland since Season 1, Mark and Calum are bribed to hit the road on a trek back west! Their first stop is to the donnybrook-of-a-town, Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador where we ignite the first rivalry of the season – Fire versus Fuzz. Mark and the most talented members of the Corner Brook fire department face off against…

Mark McGuckin In British Columbia, the McGuckin name has long been synonymous with athletic ingenuity and cataclysmic road hockey play. As a young boy, Mark grew up idolizing the legacy of his forefathers and their long tradition of psychological warfare on the ‘asphalt jungle’ – affectionately known as the road hockey court. In his teens, Mark put his admired tradition…

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